Stephane 49 years Marsilly France
Stephane 49 years Marsilly France
Stephane 49 years Marsilly France
Stephane 49 years Marsilly France
Stephane, 49 years
Stephane 49 years Marsilly France
Stephane 49 years Marsilly France
Stephane 49 years Marsilly France
Stephane 49 years Marsilly France
Online 8 days ago
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 Je m appele Stéphane j ai 48 ans célibataire deux garçons qui ne vivent pas avec moi recherche une relation sérieuse et durable sur du long terme avec une femme entre 30 est 50 ans 

I wish to meet a woman between 30 and 50 years

Spoken languages fr Fluent
Age 49 years
Country France
State / Province Poitou-charentes
City Marsilly
My height (in cm) 180 cm
My weight (in kg) 95 kg
My eye color Brown
My hair color Dark
My occupation Skilled worker
Qualifications Primary School
My religion
My hobbies Travels, chilling with friends, concerts, cinema
My personality traits Serious, responsible, honest, nice, communicative
My favorite kind of music Techno, pop-rock, disco, country
I usually read Magazines, newspapers
My favorite food Italian, french, chinese
My favorite sports: Volleyball, swim, football/soccer, basketball
Marital status Single
Children 2

Albums (0)

Dating Man, Stephane, 49 years, France, 180cm and 95kg

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